
Our Services

Our best services for your kids

Employment Services

We provide a customized & person-centered service, to support our clients throughout the job search & to help them find meaningful employment.

Benefits Summary & Analysis

We enable SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries by providing a comprehensive report to help understand the effects of earnings on benefits.

Transition Youth Services

For youth transitioning out of high school to help identify how interests, strengths and abilities translate to employment.


Creates opportunities for the job-seeker to learn new skills while they support a business’ needs.

Vocational Evaluations

Personalized and comprehensive assessments, used to identify the most viable employment or training opportunities.

Training and Consultation

Training for individuals, groups and companies, focusing on workforce development, diversification and employment.

Employment Services

Our services run deep and are backed by over ten years of experience.

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Youth Services

Employment Services, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Work-Readiness Training, Apprenticeships, Peer Mentoring and more! We provide as much support as necessary to help prepare young adults for the future.

Employment Services

Our Employment Specialist’s provide one-on-one Resume Writing, Job Developing, Interview Preparation, Job Placement Assistance, On-The-Job Training, and more! We are here to guide and support you through the process to help you find the best job to meet your needs.

Vocational Evaluations

Our Vocational Experts are here to help you discover the best employment or educational path for you through Comprehensive and/or On-the-Job Assessments and Evaluations. We help you determine your short-term and long-term goals and provide support recommendations to help you prepare for your next career move.

Public Benefits Analysis

Our team of WIPA/Benefits Specialists provide a comprehensive custom report regarding your wages and how they may affect your social security or supplemental security benefits, and other benefits, while providing you with information about how to increase your earnings.

DE&I at Work

We offer customized worksite development with an employer-driven model that establishes or supports a company’s strategic disability inclusion initiative by aligning it with government programs to hire, train, and retain people with disabilities in meaningful careers.

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Training and Consultation

With over 12 years of experience in workforce development and career services, we can provide in-person or virtual classroom training to your staff, students, or program participants, to help with professional career development or pre-vocational services for young adults and adults.

Our Services

Our best services for your kids

Employment Services

We provide a customized & person-centered service, to support our clients throughout the job search & to help them find meaningful employment.

Benefits Summary & Analysis

We enable SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries by providing a comprehensive report to help understand the effects of earnings on benefits.

Transition Youth Services

For youth transitioning out of high school to help identify how interests, strengths and abilities translate to employment.


Creates opportunities for the job-seeker to learn new skills while they support a business’ needs.

Vocational Evaluations

Personalized and comprehensive assessments, used to identify the most viable employment or training opportunities.

Training and Consultation

Training for individuals, groups and companies, focusing on workforce development, diversification and employment.