
Our Services

Our best services for your kids

Employment Services

We provide a customized & person-centered service, to support our clients throughout the job search & to help them find meaningful employment.

Benefits Summary & Analysis

We enable SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries by providing a comprehensive report to help understand the effects of earnings on benefits.

Transition Youth Services

For youth transitioning out of high school to help identify how interests, strengths and abilities translate to employment.


Creates opportunities for the job-seeker to learn new skills while they support a business’ needs.

Vocational Evaluations

Personalized and comprehensive assessments, used to identify the most viable employment or training opportunities.

Training and Consultation

Training for individuals, groups and companies, focusing on workforce development, diversification and employment.

Our Services

Through a human-focused and hands-on approach, our team provides the following services.

Employment Services

Focusing on a person’s transferable skills, previous experience and education or training, our Employment Specialist provide a customized and person-centered service, that both prepares and supports our clients throughout the job search and probationary period of employment.

Supported Employment

Supports people with the most significant disabilities by assisting individuals with obtaining meaningful employment. We provide hands-on support and training for the client as well as for the employer to ensure a successful partnership and relationship is established and maintained throughout employment. 

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We assist with finding volunteer opportunities. internships, apprenticeships, and hands-on training with local employers in various employment arenas. This allows the client to gain transferable skills and experience in a desired work area.

Vocational Evaluation

By evaluating the vocational skills, interests and abilities of our clients, we carefully consider our clients areas of interest, aptitude and overall ability, while matching it with current labor market trends, to provide a personalized report with various educational pathways and employment options.

Youth Services

For youth transitioning out of high school to help identify how interests, strengths and abilities translate to employment. We may provide vocational assessments, discover on-the-job training opportunities, and schedule informational interviews with local employers and offer peer mentoring. We also provide a classroom training on Self-Advocacy and Pre-Employment Skills.

Employer Focused Training

Our team works closely with our Community Partners, from small mom-and-pop stores to multinational corporations, while improving the way they hire and train people with disabilities. Through these partnerships we improve hiring practices and brand equity, increase workplace safety, reduce operating costs, customize training, improve ergonomics and productivity, assist with federal tax credits and ADA compliance, provide accommodations and modifications and much more!

Social Security Benefits

The WIPA program is designed to enable beneficiaries of SSI and SSDI by providing accurate information to assist with the successful transition to employment. Through one-on-one interviews and meetings, we provide a comprehensive report to help our clients to understand the effects of earnings on benefits. Our benefits specialists will take the time to have an in-depth discussion with our clients to discuss specific financial needs, and to answer any questions or concerns you have related to your transition to employment.

Virtual Reality Training

The Grow Group, Inc. has partnered with the University of South Florida’s Center for Assistive Rehabilitation & Robotics Technologies in VR4VR, a virtual reality training program for people with disabilities. In this virtual reality setting, a person’s current skill set is evaluated to determine their strengths and challenges in multiple positions within various industries. 

Industry Specific Training

Through our unconventional approach to disability focused services, our innovative team has created curricula and training programs to assist other organizations with either initiating new services or strengthening their existing services towards a human focused model that establish a programmatic foundation of growth. Training topics include job development strategies, client engagement, improving supported employment, Career Counseling Information and Referral training, etc.

Other Services?

Do you have additional needs, suggestions or opportunities? Let us collaborate with you or your team assist you with developing a custom service to meet your needs.  

Our Services