
Our Services

Our best services for your kids

Employment Services

We provide a customized & person-centered service, to support our clients throughout the job search & to help them find meaningful employment.

Benefits Summary & Analysis

We enable SSI/SSDI Beneficiaries by providing a comprehensive report to help understand the effects of earnings on benefits.

Transition Youth Services

For youth transitioning out of high school to help identify how interests, strengths and abilities translate to employment.


Creates opportunities for the job-seeker to learn new skills while they support a business’ needs.

Vocational Evaluations

Personalized and comprehensive assessments, used to identify the most viable employment or training opportunities.

Training and Consultation

Training for individuals, groups and companies, focusing on workforce development, diversification and employment.

Sarah W.

Employment Specialist; Vocational Evaluation Technician Extension 723
BS in Communications-University Maryland Global Campus Hobbies: Everything revolves around her dogs, spending time outdoors, socializing with friends. Sarah relocated from Southern Maryland to the Tampa Bay Area in 2020. Sarah worked for the Maryland public school system in the field of Special Education for 10 years. Since Sarah was in the first grade, she has always been an advocate and has a passion for empowering others. Sarah utilizes her experience within the public school system to develop unique accommodations to ensure her clients succeed in their employment opportunities.