COVID19: Our Services + Resources
During this pandemic, we understand how the stress and the anxiety of the unknown can leave you unsure about your job search. We are open and here to help to continue the process with you, by providing the majority of our services virtually until we can meet face-to-face again. Right now, we feel that keeping the momentum going, increasing communication, and offering alternatives to service offerings, can allow us to help prepare you to find your way to obtaining meaningful employment.
Here are the services we are offering virtually:
- Employment Services and Supported Employment
- Vocational Evaluations
- Pre-Placement Training
- Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (Benefits Analysis)
- Virtual On-the-job Training (limited but some available)
For an explanation of these service offerings visit our Services page.
Please utilize the resources we are collecting from local and national sources regarding information for people with disabilities, employers, and the community. We will try to keep these updated, as things change constantly, but please check your local sources for updated information as well. See below:
National Disability Institute Financial Resilience Center
Economic Impact Payment Application for People Who Didn’t File Taxes in 2018 and 2019
Updated Memo for COVID19 Social Insurance and Benfits Programs 04/17
Updated Memo for COVID19 Social Insurance and Benefits Program in Spanish 04/17
One Tampa: Rent, Mortgage, & Utility Relief Program